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Behind the Scenes - Front Third Review

Behind the Scenes - Tony Popovic takes the players through a review
Go behind the scenes to see what life is like at MVFC.

In this video Tony Popovic highlights an aspect of our Game Model - Playing in the Front Third. To be able to bring this Game Model to life, we need players who are 'Creative and Bold'.

Creative and Bold – What will we see?

  • Players who are risk takers* on the field and play with imagination, belief and courage
  • Players who can execute highly adaptable skills and problem solve under pressure
  • Players who are self organising - players that transfer best practice based on tactical and experiential knowledge and can adapt within the match in order to perform
  • Players are aware of standards and boundaries, within which they feel free to express themselves
  • Players who take personal responsibility for their performances, and always try to identify what they can do to improve[rather than blame external factors].

* By ‘risk takers’ we are referring to players who are prepared to step outside their comfort zones and challenge themselves to find new solutions.